Our Services

For Novel Kitchenware customers are the first and foremost priority. The satisfaction after using the products of the company make the team Novel pleased. The goal of the company and the entire team is to make all the products defect-less and giving 100% satisfaction to the customers. One of the prime departments of the company is services and support department. The department is headed and run by the highly dedicated team who want to make the customers happy with their service and support!

The company values the customers and wants the never-breaking relationship and harmony. The company also understands that the long-term relationships are kept only

Quality Assurance

» Appreciate the customer requirement thoroughly.
» Enlarge mutually satisfactory relationship with vendor.
» Produce quality product at optimum cost.
» Monitor and organize internal rejection and customer complaints.
» Training and updating employees for latest standards and specifications on continuous basis.
» Preserve good housekeeping.
» Achieve total Customer Satisfaction.
» Support continual up gradation of Quality Systems
» Encourage continuous improvements


We are going to keep on striving for the quality and innovation. Kitchenware industry is vital and diverse with many players across the globe. Mission Novel is to be the premiere company, being one of the frontiers and leaders of the sector.


To be leader in manufacturing of Kitchenware products in India by an innovative, entrepreneurial and empowered team constantly creating value and technologies.


We are committed to a culture of learning, creativity, continuous improvement & innovation.
We exhibit honesty and integrity at all times.
We are strongest together, this comes from a shared vision, common purpose, supportive and collaborative working.


We are an energized team committed to put ideas into motion. In synergy, we are leveraging the knowledge pool of best-in-trade talent from varied fields. The aim is to provide Novel kitchenware products across industries and geographies.


At Novel, our people are quality conscious and processes are quality certified.

Quality Policy

We are committed to manufacture and supply Quality Kitchenware products meet customers need at competitive price and on time delivery.

We shall fully support continual up gradation of our systems, processes and technology to enhance the quality of our products and services.

We maintain our market position through continual improvement of Quality management system, process technology and employee competence

We ensure to supply complaint free products to achieve complete customer satisfaction through continuous improvement.